• Himalayan TRAIL (Training Riders And Inspiring Lives)

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    The business is a registered training company. It is our goal to train locals how to have fun and be safe while riding mountain bikes. Another goal is to use mountain biking to give young men and women marketable skills they can use within the biking tourism industry. We will have courses on basic riding skills, bicycle mechanics, technical skills, and more.

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    Mountain biking is going off in Nepal! More and more Nepalis are riding. This is great because it means mountain biking is here to stay, without being dependent on foreign tourism to keep it rolling. It’s only going to get bigger once the world catches on to the great riding and friendly people in Nepal.

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    And: Well, it’s not just about riding; there’s more to who we are than just bikes.

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    It’s estimated that every day there are about 1500 Nepali youth who are shipping out of Nepal, either for work or study. Some leave families behind. Most of those going out to work are looking for laborer jobs and many end up in some terrible situations. The labor trade is just another form of human trafficking. Our goal is to give them marketable skills and an opportunity to stay in their home country.

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    These young people are the future of this nation. They are the subsequent leaders, business owners, fathers, mothers, and mentors, but Nepal is quickly losing the coming generations to foreign labor fields and universities. We are partnering with other local businesses to promote and grow the mountain biking culture here in Nepal.


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    Jonathan and Sarah grew up in families who instilled in them a love for serving people and for outdoor adventure. One of their goals as parents is to raise their kids with those same values.

    It was a desire to live out those values that first brought them to Nepal in 2005. They have continued to come back, and since 2010, they’ve lived in Nepal more than anywhere else in the world. Two of their kids were born in Nepal. It’s home.

    Looking back on their past jobs, life experiences, and adventures around the world, they can see how starting this business ties together a lot of seemingly unrelated events and circumstances. It’s their heart to use what has shaped their lives to see the lives of others changed for the better.

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    Niraj worked in a bakery in Malaysia for few years, but now he is glad to be back in his home country and a part of the biking community here. He loves riding, training, and getting to know other riders.

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    Hikmat loves mountain biking! He enjoys sharing his knowledge and skills with others and loves to have a good time. His goals include a podium at the Nepali national championships for XC racing.


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    We want to create and maintain a mountain bike culture that includes families and kids.


    We don't just talk about biking, we get the whole family out and do it! What better way to set an example and promote biking than to have the entire family out riding down the roads and trails together!


    Through training, skill development, and raising awareness for the safety of young riders within the community, we hope to see lots more families with kids out riding bikes.